LEBANON, NH, September 22, 2020 –

Travelers overwhelmingly want mandatory COVID-19 protections and services — and they are willing to pay for it, according to a Global Rescue survey of its current and former members, who are among the most experienced travelers in the world. 


The survey found more than 60% of travelers are willing to pay from $50 to $100 or more for screening and testing services to minimize the effects of COVID-19 and – in the event of an infection – mitigation and remediation provisions for isolation accommodations, quarantine facilitiesand ground or air transport 


“The pandemic has taken an unprecedented toll on the world’s population and its economies. COVID-19 understandably tops the list of all traveler concerns. But the survey results send a clear message that travelers are eager to fight back with an overwhelming willingness for comprehensive, mandatory COVID-19 protections for themselves and all travelers. And they are willing to pay for it,” said Global Rescue CEO Dan Richards. 


Travelers agreed by wide margins (94%) they would feel safer if they had services and protections that cover pre- and on-trip COVID-19 testing, required quarantines, evacuation costs in the event of exposure or infection, and door-to-door travel insurance. 


The majority (91%) of responding travelers were equally adamant in their support for mandating all travelers obtain the same COVID-19 protections for their personal safety, the safety of others, and to prevent adverse selection,” Richards said 


Eighty-eight percent of travelers want governments or organizations to step in and systematize programs calculated to beat COVID-19. But not every government or organization has the resources or the expertise to provide screening, testing, triage, quarantine facilities, ground and air transport, data collection and case management,” Richards said. 

“At the onset of the pandemic, Global Rescue recognized the threat and developed new services program designed to defeat the threat of COVID-19 on behalf of governments and organizations,” said Global Rescue Vice President of Operations Scott Hume. 

The Global Rescue complete COVID-19 solutions program provides customizable COVID-19 case management remedies including 

  • Planning & Staffing: Emergency action planning, training, staffing and itinerary support; COVID-19-specific destination reports; triage and disposition facilities with medical and security personnel and equipment  
  • Testing & Tracking: Access to rapid COVID-19 testing capabilities, screening and secure collection and retention of traveler history and test results. 
  •  Response & Remediation: Quarantine and isolation accommodations, management of all ground and air medical evacuation, treatment for COVID-19 positive individualsand real-time access to doctors for virtual consultations  

“Testing for active COVID-19 infection is a key part of the public health response to bring this pandemic under control.  Travelers are right to recognize this fact, and to want access to reliable testing with results that come back in a timely manner to facilitate safe travel for themselves and others,” said Global Rescue Medical Director Claudia Zegans. 

Global Rescue’s medical and crisis response capabilities are supported by the Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine Division of Special Operations, Partners HealthCare and Elite Medical Group to provide a depth of expertise unparalleled in the travel risk management and crisis response industry. 


Traveler Safety Preferences 

  • What Would It Take to Feel Safe Enough to Travel Domestically? (Respondents checked all that apply) 
    • 46– government officials would need to lift lock down/isolation/stay-at-home orders  
    • 41– a COVID-19 vaccine would have to be available 
    • 28– a COVID-19 treatment would need to be available 
    • 23– they would need to feel secure in their health, job, and/or finances 
    • 23% – they would need access to COVID-19 testing 
    • 17– they would need to have the necessary insurance in case they get quarantined 
    • 16– international health authorities would have to declare the end of the pandemic  
  • What Would It Take to Feel Safe Enough to Travel Internationally? (Respondents checked all that apply) 
    • 68– governments would have to lift travel restrictions and their preferred destinations would have to re-open their borders  
    • 50– a COVID-19 vaccine would have to be available 
    • 35– a COVID-19 treatment would need to be available 
    • 30– they would need to have the necessary insurance in case they get quarantined 
    • 25– access to COVID-19 testing would be necessary 
    • 25% – international health authorities would have to declare the end of the pandemic 
    • 22– they would need to feel secure in their health, job, and/or finances  
  • Would travelers feel safer during an international trip if they had medical/security safeguards that included: protection for any required quarantineevacuation in the event of exposure or infectionpre- and on-trip COVID-19 testing; and door-to-door travel insurance. 
    • 94agree – 54strongly agree28agree, 12somewhat agree 
    • 6disagree – 2somewhat disagree, 2% disagree, 2% strongly disagree 
  • Would travelers feel safer if everyone traveling to an international destination had the same medical/security safeguards that included: protection for any required quarantine; evacuation in the event of exposure or infection; pre- and on-trip COVID-19 testing; and door-to-door travel insurance. 
    • 91agree – 43strongly agree, 29% agree, 19% somewhat agree 
    • 8% disagree – 3% somewhat disagree, 3% disagree, 2% strongly disagree 
  • Should governments and organizations provide required visitor programs designed to minimize the effects of COVID-19 and other medical emergencies?  
    • 87agree – 34strongly agree, 32agree, 21somewhat agree 
    • 13disagree – somewhat disagree, 4% disagree, 3% strongly disagree 

Traveler Expectations 

The survey results revealed that travelers lost a wide range of personal and professional opportunities due to the pandemic.  

  • 64% gave up a bucket list/adventure trip  
  • 53% missed out on a family vacation 
  • 32% relinquished a business trip 
  • 28% surrendered a couples getaway 
  • 21skipped an anniversarywedding, honeymoon or birthday trip 
  • 10% lost an ecotourism or humanitarian excursion 
  • 9% missed out on a wellness trip 
  • 21responded “other  


Travelers expect to make up for the travel they missed out on in a number of ways. According to the survey results, when travelers (who could choose all options that apply) think about their future travel plans between now and the end of 2021:  

  • 52% expect to travel internationally where possible  
  • 35% plan to go to more remote, less crowded destinations 
  • 32% anticipate taking fewer trips 
  • 22% said they’ll only travel domestically  
  • 22% look forward to taking more time, or a longer trip 
  • 20% think they’ll take advantage of discounts, deals and specials 
  • 18% count on taking an extra trip  
  • 13% look forward to traveling only to places with modern health care facilities 
  • 5% said they were taking less expensive trip 
  • 14% responded “other  

Travelers envision making domestic trips sooner than international excursions. The survey found 60% of respondents said they would make a domestic trip before the end of the year, 13% said they would travel internationally by then. However, 86% of respondents indicated they would travel internationally in 2021.  





Bill McIntyre at bmcintyre@globalrecue.com or 202.560.1195 to arrange an interview or for more information.  


About the Global Rescue Traveler Survey 

Global Rescue, a leading travel risk and crisis response provider, conducted a survey of more than 2,200 of its current and former members between Sept. 15-20, 2020. The respondents revealed a range of support for a variety of precautionary and protective safety measures in anticipation to a return to leisure and business trips domestically and internationally. 


About Global Rescue 

Global Rescue is the world’s leading provider of medical, security, evacuation and travel risk management services to enterprises, governments and individuals. Founded in 2004, Global Rescue has exclusive relationships with the Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine Division of Special Operations and Elite Medical Group. Global Rescue provides best-in-class services that identify, monitor and respond to client medical and security crises. Global Rescue has provided medical and security support to its clients, including Fortune 500 companies, governments and academic institutions, during every globally significant crisis of the last decade. For more information, visit www.globalrescue.com.