Global Rescue crisis response teams transported a group of clients from Tokyo to Southern Japan on Thursday.  The transport was initiated due to rising concerns about water and supplies contaminated with radioactive material in the capital, and to assist those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) associated with the earthquake and tsunami.

Nine employees of a Global Rescue client were escorted via convoy to a peninsula in the South where radiation levels were safe. Several employees exhibited symptoms consistent with PTSD after the massive earthquake, tsunami and nuclear fallout left thousands dead, missing and homeless.

Global Rescue is also providing supplies of bottled water and other basic necessities to its clients in urban areas around the capital.  The company’s on-site crisis response professionals are providing guidance and leadership regarding how to best shelter-in-place pending a possible land, air or sea evacuation from the capital. 

Three corporations with an active presence in Japan have received Global Rescue’s services for more than 200 employees.