Article Highlights:

  • Secure Essential Emergency Numbers: Always carry a list of local emergency contact numbers, including police, fire, ambulance, and your country’s embassy or consulate, to ensure quick access to help in any situation.
  • Prepare for Medical and Travel Emergencies: Know the contact details of the nearest hospital and your travel insurance provider to handle medical issues or disruptions efficiently while abroad.
  • Stay Informed and Prepared: Leverage resources like Global Rescue’s destination reports to familiarize yourself with local laws, customs, and potential risks, enhancing your safety and travel experience.


Your Lifeline Abroad: Why Packing Emergency Contacts Numbers Is as Important as Your Passport

Carrying a list of emergency contact numbers, including local authorities, embassy or consulate contact details, and the phone numbers of your loved ones back home is essential, according to Harding Bush, Global Rescue’s associate director of security operations and a former Navy SEAL. “In the event of a disaster, communication networks may be disrupted, so having these numbers readily available can help you seek assistance and inform your family about your well-being,” he said.

When planning an international trip, most travelers focus on booking flights, packing their bags, and planning itineraries. One aspect that often gets overlooked, however, is establishing a robust emergency plan. Knowing the appropriate emergency contact numbers for your destination can make a significant difference in critical situations.


Essential Emergency Phone Number Details To Know Before Traveling Internationally

Each country has a specific emergency services number, often different from the standard 911 used in the United States. For example, the U.K. is 999, Australia is 000, Canada is 911 (like the U.S.), the European Union is 112, and India is 112. Japan is 119 for fire and ambulance and 110 for police. Always check the specific emergency number for the country you are visiting, as they may vary even within regions.

In addition to the general emergency number, it’s smart to note the contact number for the local police department, which is useful for reporting theft or dealing with any issues that arise during your travels.

Fire emergencies require immediate action, so knowing the local fire department’s number is crucial. In some countries, like the United States, the fire department is reached through the same number as police and ambulance services (911), but in others, it’s different.

In case of an illness or other medical emergency, knowing the phone number and location of the nearest hospital can save precious time. Researching this in advance can help you avoid panic if a medical issue arises.

Trouble abroad happens due to civil unrest, protests, natural disasters, political shifts and more. If you find yourself in trouble – or need help – while abroad, your home country’s embassy or consulate can be a lifeline. They can assist in various situations, from lost passports to emergencies involving local laws. Make sure to have their contact information stored on your phone or printed out and register with them when you arrive at your destination.

Did your rental car break down? Do you need roadside assistance? If you’re renting a car, ensure you have the contact number for roadside assistance provided by the rental company. This can be essential in the event of a mechanical failure or accident.

Having the contact information for your travel insurance provider is critical in the event of trip cancellations or disruptions, lost luggage, travel delays, lodging hassles or other unexpected incidents. Many insurers have 24-hour helplines to assist you when you need it most.


An operations center employee talking with someone on his headset while on multiple computers.
Wherever you travel, Global Rescue is a phone call away.

Members know to contact Global Rescue at +1 (617) 459-4200, or for almost any reason since member benefits include services for emergency field rescue from the point of illness or injury, medical advisory, traveler assistance, destination reports, event alerts, and medical evacuation transport home and (for applicable memberships) virtual healthcare access and security services.

Keep a digital copy of important emergency numbers and documents on your phone or a secure cloud storage service. Additionally, carry a printed copy of these contacts in your wallet or travel documents. This redundancy ensures access to critical information even if your phone battery dies or gets lost.


Preparation Is Key

When traveling abroad, knowledge is your best ally, and knowing essential contact numbers is a core ally. According to Bush, “Knowledge is power, especially in an unfamiliar environment. Our destination reports equip travelers with critical information about their travel locations, enhancing their safety and security.”


These reports cover a wide range of vital information, including:

Emergency phone numbers: Global Rescue’s destination reports include a detailed list of emergency contact numbers, ensuring that travelers have immediate access to local emergency services.

Local laws and customs: Understanding local laws and customs can prevent unintentional offenses that can escalate into legal troubles. These reports provide insights into cultural norms and legal expectations.

Health advisories: The reports also include health advisories related to diseases, vaccination requirements and recommended precautions. This information is crucial for ensuring your health and safety.


By using these reports, travelers can equip themselves with the knowledge to navigate unfamiliar environments effectively. As Harding Bush emphasizes, “The more informed you are, the less likely you’ll find yourself in a tough situation. Preparation is key.”

Preparation is essential when traveling internationally, and knowing the right emergency contact numbers is a crucial part of that preparation. By familiarizing yourself with local emergency numbers, the contact information for your embassy, and other vital services, you empower yourself to handle crises effectively.

Global Rescue’s destination reports provide an additional layer of safety by offering essential insights into your travel location, helping you navigate potential risks and emergencies. As Bush aptly states, “Traveling shouldn’t be a source of anxiety. With the right information and preparation, you can focus on enjoying your adventure while staying safe.”

Traveling is about exploration, discovery and experiencing new cultures. By being prepared, you not only enhance your safety but also enrich your travel experience. Carry the necessary emergency numbers, stay informed of Global Rescue’s resources and enjoy the journey, knowing you are ready for whatever comes your way.