As usual Global Rescue was kept busy assisting members during the Himalayan climbing and trekking season. We conducted a number of rescues in Nepal, including high altitude evacuations from Everest itself. To support operations, a Global Rescue paramedic was on the ground in Nepal during peak season.

One member, Dr. Robert Vestal, writes to thank Global Rescue:

Dear Global Rescue,

Obviously you are aware that I had to be evacuated by helicopter from Namche Bazaar on Friday, April 27. Obviously, I was hugely disappointed that I could not continue my trek to Everest Base Camp. However, I was exceedingly glad to have a Global Rescue membership. I was equally glad that Bob Veno, a paramedic in your operations group, had been deployed to Kathmandu to represent Global Rescue and assist with any and all medical problems encountered by Global Rescue members. He was there at the airport when the chopper touched down. He accompanied me in the ambulance to the hospital and stayed with me many hours during the course of my hospitalization.

Basically, Bob shepherded me through the entire hospitalization process and made sure that the necessary studies were done for evaluation and that we had copies of the medical records and reports. I also know that he performed a similar role for others during his deployment in Nepal. I was hugely impressed with his interpersonal and technical skills, as well as his valuable field experience in many diverse settings. He made a big difference to me and others while he was in Nepal. I will not hesitate to recommend Global Rescue to anyone who is contemplating a trip where an evacuation or medical transport may be needed.

Finally, many thanks to everyone at Global Rescue including the staff taking calls 24/7 in the office and your physician medical consultants, such as Doctor Eric Johnson, for providing me with the best available care and transport surrounding my injury.


Bob Vestal

Member – Wilderness Medical Society