“This is why I use Global Rescue”
From time to time, we receive letters from Global Rescue members not because they needed a rescue or medical advice. Rather, they write simply to express their thanks to Global Rescue for being there. Here is one such letter.
To whom it may concern,
I strongly suspect no one ever appreciates your services much when they have NOT been needed. I however, just spent three weeks in the bush of South Africa and northern Zimbabwe and came to appreciate you a great deal. We were researching in remote areas of high-density “snake country” and well, to be frank, I am not a kid anymore so one just never knows what health emergency might pop up. Between my sat phone and the knowledge that I had your potential services at my disposal however, my trip was made much better by extant “peace of mind.” I sincerely appreciate what you do….even though I didn’t need to make “that phone call” over the last few weeks.
Thank you so much,
John W. Salevurakis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Economics
The American University in Cairo
Intrigued, we followed up with Professor Salevurakis to learn more about his work and travels. He wrote:
“I am an economist at The American University in Cairo, Egypt. I research the economics of African wildlife conservation which means that I am routinely in remote areas interviewing either tribal authorities or photo-tourism/hunting concession holders. This last trip a few weeks ago had us in the Pafuri region of South Africa where there is a very high concentration of poisonous snakes (particularly Black Mambas). One night in particular a colleague of mine nearly stepped on a rather lazy Puff Adder on the way to our tent. (He too is a Global Rescue subscriber). It was a near miss that could have ended very badly without immediate evacuation to high quality medical care. We also spent roughly 10 days in the exceedingly remote Dande Safari Area of northeast Zimbabwe where we were working with Charlton McCallum Safaris undertaking daily 30km patrols with their privately funded anti-poaching unit. We were primarily gathering wire snares and not actively seeking out the armed elephant poachers who also frequent the area…but the reality is that one never knows what might happen in the bush. My colleague and I were very happy to have the peace of mind that Global Rescue provides at such an obviously reasonable cost.
Frankly, it used to be that I would just watch my own back when doing dangerous stuff like this but my wife gave me a bit of an ultimatum on this last trip. She simply said, ‘If you don’t come back, you had best pray there is no afterlife…because you will NEVER hear the end of it if you leave me here alone with an 18 month old baby”!
Therefore, I happily came to trust Global Rescue to protect me and the welfare of my family.”
On Qaroon Lake, Fayoum Oasis, Egypt
Sleepy after a 30 km march in lion country
January 1, 2014, in Zimbabwe close to the Mozambique and Zambia borders
Charlton McCallum Safaris’ Dande Anti-Poaching Unit (DAPU)