A woman who was boating in the Bahamas with her husband earlier this week was medically evacuated by Global Rescue after she experienced symptoms consistent with appendicitis.

The couple was fishing for marlin and had just reached the small, outlying island of Rum Cay when she began to feel severe pain in her abdomen. With no hospitals on the island or on the neighboring cays, she required an immediate medical evacuation. Her symptoms were indicative of appendicitis or an infection, but because the woman was of child-bearing age, Global Rescue doctors following her case from the initial call also could not rule out potentially fatal pregnancy complications.

Within two hours of receiving her call, Global Rescue scrambled an ICU equipped aircraft and medical team to the island.

The woman was taken to the Cleveland Clinic in Ft. Lauderdale. There she was stabilized and diagnosed with a non-specific infection. Her treatment was successful and she is currently in good health at home in North Carolina.