While vacationing in Greece, a US citizen experienced an unprovoked seizure that lasted for nearly thirty minutes. Hospitalized locally, she was placed into a medically induced coma. Shocked by this sudden episode, the patient’s sister contacted Global Rescue.

At the request of family members, Global Rescue organized the patient’s transportation from the Greek hospital to the US in order to ensure that the patient was receiving the highest level of care possible. Global Rescue coordinated communication between the hospital in Greece, the patient’s family, and specialists at a leading US hospital. Doctors were advised to prepare a place for the patient, who would be transferred from the Greek hospital as soon as her condition was diagnosed as ‘safe for travel.’ The patient was cleared for travel aboard a medically equipped jet, and family members made plans to arrive at the receiving hospital immediately following the patient’s admission.

The patient was flown from the hospital in Greece directly to Boston. After coordinating with the flight crew, Global Rescue assured family members that the patient’s vital signs remained stable throughout the transport process and that the flight went without incident. The patient was met by two Global Rescue paramedics at the airport, who provided direct care during the ambulance transport to the hospital. All important medical information was relayed to staff members at the receiving hospital, who were fully prepared to receive the patient and begin medical procedures upon arrival.

The patient continues to make a recovery and family members thanked Global Rescue for their work and support throughout this difficult event.