Global Rescue recently responded to a call from a member filming a documentary in Duk Payuel, South Sudan, who found herself in the midst of a violent tribal conflict. Aware that security in the area of Duk was quickly deteriorating, Global Rescue security teams immediately pinpointed her location and began evaluating extraction options with local assets. Our in-house team conducted a rapid assessment of the member’s location, survival resources, means of communication, escape options, and level of threat in the immediate area. She was initially monitored and provided with around the clock advice should the situation deteriorate. After she reported escalating violence and nearby gunshots, an immediate evacuation to Juba was deemed necessary.

To complicate the situation, there were also a number of other individuals associated with the Duk Boys Lost Clinic who were not Global Rescue members but required evacuation. Arrangements were made to ensure the safe extraction of this larger group via fixed wing aircraft from a nearby dirt airstrip.

The dispatched aircraft landed at Duk Payuel just as a neighboring village was being burned to the ground. The Global Rescue member and 7 colleagues from the clinic safely boarded the plane and were evacuated to Juba, the capital of South Sudan.

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