“Global Rescue Member in Action” April Mayhew submitted this “Ballers of Moshi-Town, Tanzania” image to our photo contest. Read about her trip to Mt. Kilimanjaro, her surprise encounter with the scenery and natives, and her game of soccer with the boys.
“I shot this picture in Moshi, Tanzania, while walking along the abandoned train tracks with a group of clients that had just arrived in country and were preparing to begin climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro the following day. We passed by the field, and I looked back to watch the boys play. Mt. Kilimanjaro had just appeared through the clouds (the backdrop), and the clients oohed and awed their delight bedside me.
“This game was the first in which the ‘Ballers of Moshi-town’ were wearing proper jerseys. To my surprise, the shadows and clouds captures the overall busyness of the moment, and I was able to fit in details like the old rubber tires lining the field and Kilimanjaro in the distance.
“This photo captures the movement and light while showcasing some of the exquisite qualities of one of my favorite places in the world.
“Once during a walk, the Ballers invited me to join them. I’m not sure what surprised me more: that my skills hadn’t withstood the test of time, or that the boys could truly dribble a ball up one side of me and down the other.”
Do you have a great story to share about your travels? We want to hear about it! If you (or someone you know) would like to be considered as a “Global Rescue Member in Action,” tell us why in an email to press@globalrescue.com.