Global Rescue has rescued a client from a remote camp in Cameroon over the weekend and transported him to his home in Eastern Europe.

Bela Hidvegi, a veteran of African travels, was hunting dwarf buffalo in the rainforest about 15 hours by car from the capital, Yaounde, when he began to experience nausea, vomiting and digestive problems. A rudimentary local clinic diagnosed him with malaria and prescribed medication.

Because his condition continued to deteriorate over the next 48 hours, Global Rescue’s medical team reviewed the case, believed the diagnosis to be incorrect and recommended an immediate field rescue from the jungle to Yaounde.

Global Rescue dispatched a helicopter to Hidvegi’s camp near the town of Doume and flew him to the capital for further evaluation. There, he was seen at a private hospital, diagnosed with a bacterial infection and prescribed antibiotics. Hidvegi was then transported to his home in Budapest. He is expected to make a full recovery.