Article Highlights

  • Overpacking Decrease: Overpacking remains a common mistake, but it’s significantly decreased by 53% since 2020, with travelers becoming more efficient.
  • Packing Essentials: Key packing strategies include making a tailored packing list, choosing versatile clothing, and using space-saving techniques like packing cubes and stuffing small items in shoes.
  • Smart Packing Hacks: Top tips include wearing bulky items during travel, using a reusable water bottle, and leaving room in your luggage for souvenirs. Always remember to include a Global Rescue membership for emergency assistance.


Traveling internationally can be an exciting adventure, but the packing process can often feel daunting. Knowing how to pack for international travel can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Should you bring dressy clothes or only casual ones? Will sneakers be enough, or do you need hiking shoes? Do you need your hair dryer? How much space should you leave for purchases abroad? How much is too much?

Overpacking (35%) is the biggest traveler mistake, according to the world’s most experienced travelers responding to the Global Rescue Traveler Sentiment and Safety Survey. But travelers are getting better at the travel packing process.

Yes, overpacking continues to be a persistent traveler mistake but the improvement has been substantial since February 2020 when 75% of respondents said overpacking was the biggest mistake travelers make, a 53% decrease.

With the travel boom showing no signs of slowing, travel packing hacks will continue to be more important than ever. According to the latest Global Rescue survey of the world’s most experienced travelers, 8 out of ten (81%) indicate they are either planning more trips or maintaining the same number of trips in 2024 compared to their previous travel habits.

Nearly half (49%) are eager to explore new destinations and 44% are inclined to venture into more remote locales. Notably, 27% are even pursuing riskier destinations, reflecting a shift to bolder travel experiences.

What does it mean? It means more packing, more often in general – and more packing tips and travel advice for new and remote places unfamiliar to travelers.


Travel Packing Hacks – The Basics

A an open suitcase on a bed, neatly packed with colorful clothes, a camera, passport, and documents.
A tidy suitcase is a happy suitcase.

The key to a successful trip begins long before you board the plane. With careful planning and efficient packing for international flights, you can ensure you have everything you need without overloading your luggage.

  • Make a packing list: Start with a comprehensive packing list tailored to your destination and planned activities. This ensures you won’t forget essentials and helps prevent overpacking.
  • Research your destination: Understand the climate, culture, and activities available at your destination. This will inform your choices about clothing and other essentials, making sure you pack only what’s necessary for your overseas trip.
  • Limit your wardrobe: Choose versatile clothing that can be mixed and matched. Stick to a color palette that allows for easy coordination. Aim for outfits that can be worn multiple times in different combinations.
  • Consider the duration: For short trips, aim for a carry-on only. For longer trips, check airline baggage policies to avoid extra fees and plan accordingly.
  • Pack efficiently: Use packing cubes, compression bags, or rolling techniques to save space and keep items organized.


Travel and Packing Tips: Items to Avoid Bringing

How can you avoid packing more than you need? A common rule in travel packing is to pack for three days, then add one more outfit for longer trips. Other travel packing tips include:

  • Bulky footwear: Shoes can take up a lot of space. Limit yourself to two pairs—one for casual wear and one for formal occasions—if needed.
  • Non-essential electronics: Avoid bringing multiple devices. A smartphone has a camera, GPS, and an entertainment system.
  • Valuables: Leave expensive jewelry and items at home. If you lose them or they’re stolen, it can ruin your trip.
  • Heavy toiletries: Many hotels provide basic toiletries. Bring only essentials in travel-sized containers to save space.
  • Unnecessary gadgets: Avoid packing gadgets that may not be useful during the trip. For instance, a portable iron can often be replaced with a wrinkle-free clothing option.


Top Travel Packing Hacks

A woman with arm tattoos packs a neat suitcase with clothing and camera equipment.
Overpacking, no matter how neat, is often cited as one of travelers’ biggest regrets about travel.

Packing for an international trip doesn’t have to be a stressful task. By following these best practices for travel packing, avoiding unnecessary items, and employing smart packing hacks, you can streamline the process and enhance your travel experience. Check out the following packing hacks:

Pack a collapsible, reusable water bottle: This saves space and money. Many airports have water refill stations.

Fill shoes with small items: Maximize space by stuffing socks, chargers, or other small items into your shoes.

Wear bulky items: Wear your heaviest shoes and jacket on the plane to save space in your luggage.

Use a scarf or pashmina: This versatile item can be used as a blanket, beach cover-up, or fashion accessory, reducing the number of items you need.

Bring a lightweight backpack: This can be used for day trips or as an extra bag for souvenirs without adding bulk to your luggage.

Create a travel first-aid kit: Include essential medications, band-aids, and other basics in a small pouch to save space and be prepared for minor emergencies. Check out Global Rescue’s Ultimate World Travel Safety Kit.

Use Ziplock bags: Protect your electronics from moisture or spillable items from leaking using Ziplock bags. They’re also great for organizing small items.

Layer for versatility: Pack clothing that can be layered for different weather conditions. Neutral colors and versatile pieces can be mixed to create various outfits.

Plan for laundry: If you’re traveling for an extended period, include a small laundry bag and plan to do laundry. This allows you to pack fewer clothes.

Leave room for souvenirs: If you plan to shop during your trip, leave extra space in your luggage for new items.


Remember To Pack a Global Rescue Membership

These travel packing hacks can help streamline your packing process and make your travels more enjoyable.

When packing for a trip remember to focus on versatility, organization, and practicality. With the right approach, you’ll be able to enjoy your journey, knowing that you’ve packed efficiently and effectively.

Always include a Global Rescue membership on your packing list for international travel. It takes up zero room in your luggage yet provides services for emergency field rescue from the point of illness or injury, medical advisory, traveler assistance, destination reports, event alerts, and medical evacuation transport home and (for applicable memberships) virtual healthcare access and security services.

You can access Global Rescue services directly from your smartphone using the My Global Rescue Mobile App. Browse destination reports and alerts, activate emergency assistance, schedule real-time virtual health visits and keep track of the people you care about with GPS tracking and messaging. Download the My Global Rescue App for Apple devices or Android devices.