Travel is burgeoning. Families are booking vacations. Business travel is on the rise. Adventurers are trekking, climbing and enjoying the outdoors. Throughout the onset of the pandemic and without any disruption, Global Rescue has responded to the needs of travelers at home and abroad. In a typical month, Global Rescue performs hundreds of operations in dozens of countries. Below are highlights from some of our most recent operations in various locations.
Kenya Evacuation
A member from Puerto Rico was thrown from the back of a moving vehicle after driving over a large roadway hole in Kenya. The woman landed on her hip and head with sufficient force to lose consciousness. Upon examination on the scene, she was initially unresponsive but when she regained consciousness, she complained of hip pain, was unable to move without pain while lying down, and could not stand or bear any weight. While there were no open wounds or bleeding, medical professionals expressed concern via video chat about a head injury, a fractured femur or pelvic injury. Global Rescue initiated a field rescue and medical evacuation from the member’s remote location in Kenya to a hospital in Tanzania, an adjacent country to the south. At the hospital, it was determined that the member suffered a fractured femur requiring immediate surgery. Fortunately, images of her spine and head were normal. The member’s surgery was followed up with physiotherapy to assist her in ambulating using a walker. After discharge from the hospital, Global Rescue provided a medical escort for the member to her home of record.
Blinded, Burned in Argentina
A Japanese member suffering from snow blindness and facial sunburn on Mount Aconcagua was unable to see. Medical professionals on scene diagnosed the member with bilateral conjunctivitis and a 2nd-degree face burn caused by not wearing solar protection gear. Global Rescue Operations initiated an airborne field rescue and ground transport to a hospital in Mendoza. The member was safely evacuated from the mountain, treated and released with medications from the hospital.
Bora Bora Cruise Emergency
A Miami member became ill with pneumonia and possible arrhythmia during a cruise around French Polynesia. The ship’s medical team started treatment for him, activated French Polynesia Emergency Services and transported him to a hospital in Morrea for further evaluation. The hospital’s medical team determined the member’s symptoms warranted transport to a higher level of care in Papeete, French Polynesia. Following his transport to the hospital in Papeete, the emergency department medical team admitted the member to the intensive care unit for assessment, testing, and intervention. Meanwhile, the member’s oxygen consumption was too high for a trans-Pacific flight home and recovery was not progressing. Global Rescue deployed a medical operations specialist to oversee the member’s care and be his medical escort once deemed fit-to-fly. Eventually, the member’s recovery progressed sufficiently that he was stable for flight. Global Rescue initiated an immediate, and successful, transport via commercial stretcher and dedicated air ambulance of the member for continued care at a higher-level facility in Miami.
Frostbite at High Altitude
High climbs are not easy. Twisted ankles, high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), gastrointestinal trouble, high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), snow blindness and many other ailments, like frostbite, challenge climbers at every step, uphill and down. A U.S. member developed first-degree frostbite in his toes while on Mount Aconcagua. Global Rescue provided an immediate helicopter field rescue off the mountain and ground transportation to a hospital in Mendoza. The member was successfully evacuated, evaluated at the medical center, given medication and discharged the same day.
Colombia Paragliding Crash
A U.S. member paragliding in Colombia contacted Global Rescue following an accident injured his arm. After landing, a broken branch fell on his left wrist quickly causing his fingers to swell and become discolored with an on-and-off tingling sensation. He applied a bandage and ice compress overnight in his hotel with no relief. The next day he went to the hospital for imaging. A Global Rescue medical team reviewed the case and determined a surgical intervention could be necessary and recommended that the member have an in-person evaluation with an orthopedic doctor. Global Rescue helped the member secure a flight to his Washington state home of record where he proceeded to the hospital for further evaluation.
Aconcagua Mountain Rescue
A Romanian member fell during an expedition on Aconcagua in Argentina sustaining cervical and pelvic injuries. Global Rescue was contacted and an immediate helicopter field rescue and medical evacuation was initiated to bring him to a hospital in nearby Mendoza. Upon examination, it was determined that the member sustained a wrist fracture and a contusion. Following treatment, the member returned to his home of residence in Tunari.
Disabling Back Trouble on Aconcagua
A member from India was suffering from disabling lower back pain and was unable to walk while on Mount Aconcagua. He was evaluated by medical clinicians and given an evacuation order and pain medications. He received no relief from the pain medication, his condition worsened, and he remained unable to walk. Global Rescue provided airborne field rescue and ground transportation to a nearby hospital where the member was evaluated and diagnosed with Lumbago with sciatica. He was prescribed pain medication, and topical ointment and discharged on the same day.