It’s that time of year when the heat rises up from the world’s oceans and the wind picks up, creating terrifying storms across the globe.
Whether it’s a hurricane (an Atlantic Ocean or northeastern Pacific Ocean storm with sustained winds over 74 mph), a cyclone (a similar weather phenomenon in the Indian Ocean and southwestern Pacific) or a typhoon (same, but near the East Asia region), these storms can be a harsh reminder that Mother Nature reigns supreme.
Thankfully, today’s weather tracking technology allows us to identify, name and track these hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons well in advance of landfall, giving citizens ample time to prepare their homes and evacuate, if needed.
But every year, there’s a handful of people who stay put, facing the storm head on, either because they are unwilling or unable to do otherwise.
Call it foolishness or call it bravery, if you make this choice, you could find yourself in a tricky situation, without necessities like food, water, electricity and shelter.
[Related Reading: 4 Ways To Survive a Hurricane]
The following tips will help you prepare, as best as you can, for the storm and post-storm survival:
Evacuate if you can – Let’s be clear: if officials issue an evacuation order, don’t ignore it. Global Rescue evacuation services must be requested within 5 days of the announcement or commencement of the qualifying security event. So, if you choose to stay put during a predicted storm then you won’t qualify for an evacuation.
Know where to get hurricane information – In the United States, you can receive Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on your mobile phone from the National Weather Service. Several countries — including China, Japan, Korea, Thailand and the Philippines — share monitoring responsibilities through the Japanese Meteorological Agency and the Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Be sure to monitor local emergency systems throughout the storm. Wherever you are, bookmark the ideal city or country website to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
Keep your devices charged – Power could go out for days, weeks or months following a hurricane, cyclone or typhoon. It all depends on the local infrastructure, said Harding Bush, operations manager at Global Rescue. Urban areas with high populations or developing countries are especially vulnerable to disaster.
Wherever you are, it’s imperative to have multiple backups for charging your phone, tablets or laptops so you can stay connected to emergency services.
Have a family survival plan – The Department of Homeland Security can guide you in making a family survival plan with their online form.
Gather a survival kit – FEMA’s emergency supply kit list is a great place to start. Make sure you gather items as far in advance as you can so you can guarantee the items will be available.
Know the safety basics – Red Cross’s post-storm health and safety tips include avoiding downed power lines (which can cause electrocution), not touching flood waters (which can contain sewage and chemicals), not using propane indoors (which can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning), throwing out wet or warm food and adhering to local water advisories (to prevent food poisoning).
Beware of storm surges – This one is crucial: the most dangerous part of a hurricane, cyclone or typhoon is actually the storm surge, which occurs after the storm. They can happen more than 100 miles from the coast and can be catastrophic, taking down buildings, erasing roads and tearing away coastlines. The Red Cross advises, “if you are in an area that is likely to flood, designate a location on higher ground that you can move to before floodwaters reach you.”
Get your shelter ready – Protecting your house against a storm will help protect you and is likely to make post-storm life a bit easier. Read the Red Cross’s tips for preparing your house for high winds and flooding. But remember, a storm surge doesn’t care about your preparation. Gary Pall shared his experience during Hurricane Ian with The Palm Beach Post:
“I just started seeing water come in through the garage like a wave,” he said. “Then I went out to the living room and it started coming in through the front door. I put some sandbags out there, but there was so much water it made no difference. The house seemed to be filling up so fast that we eventually couldn’t find any more high places to go, so we went into the attic.”
Learn emergency skills – The Red Cross encourages learning FirstAid and CPR (heart attacks are a leading cause of death after hurricanes, they say), living without power, operating a generator and being familiar with operating powered medical devices.
[Related Reading: Preparing for Wild Weather]
Should I travel during storm season?
Even if you don’t encounter a severe natural disaster, it’s best to be aware if you’re traveling during storm season.
“Some predictable potential disasters are seasonal; hurricane season lasts from June to November. The rainy season in Africa lasts from June to October,” Bush said. “Typhoons in Thailand are more likely to occur between June and December. Hot summer days are usually followed by late afternoons with thunder and lightning storms.”
You may be asking yourself, does it even make sense to travel during storm season? The answer is yes, with some caveats.
Choose a location out of harm’s way – This doesn’t mean you should entirely avoid tropical areas like the Caribbean; after all, hurricane season often brings more affordable flights. Just remember your ABCs: Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao, which are located on the southern edges of the hurricane belt. Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados are also far south (but east of the ABCs) and rarely get hurricanes.
Prepare for potential cancellation or evacuation – Purchase refundable airline tickets if you’re traveling during storm season and hold your plans with an open hand.
Prepare to extend your trip – If you do not evacuate, you may find yourself stuck for an extended period at your destination, with airports closed for a time.
Call ahead – Ask your hotel about their hurricane readiness plan. Do they have a place for you to shelter? Do they have a backup generator?
Bring cash – If the electricity is out, you won’t be able to pay for things with a credit card or withdraw money.
Global Rescue
When a hurricane, cyclone or typhoon threatens your vacation or work trip, Global Rescue’s expert team can help keep you abreast of its path and assist with your evacuation as the storm predictions grow ominous. Don’t plan your trip without a membership.