Article Highlights:

  • 35% of experienced travelers prioritize travel destinations by landscape-rich locations.
  • 31% list the best travel destinations as locations with adventurous activities.
  • 37% of female travelers prioritize stunning landscapes. Dream destinations include Antarctica, Iceland and the Galapagos Islands.
  • 37% of male travelers prioritize adventure activities. Dream trips include Australia, Patagonia and Mongolia.


When it comes to selecting travel destinations, traveler preferences can vary significantly based on a range of factors, including gender. According to the Global Rescue Summer 2024 Traveler Sentiment and Safety Survey, 35% of the world’s most experienced travelers prioritize landscape-rich locations, while 31% seek destinations that offer adventurous activities.


People on small paddle boats in a green lagoon surrounded by forest.
Green with envy of these travelers in this green lagoon.

Best Travel Destinations by Gender

The survey reveals distinct preferences between male and female travelers. Among female respondents, 37% listed stunning landscapes — such as mountains, jungles, savannahs, deserts, surf, reefs, canyons, volcanoes and glaciers — as the most crucial factor when choosing an international destination. In contrast, an equal percentage of male travelers (also 37%) prioritize access to adventure trips like scuba diving, skiing, mountaineering, trekking and fishing.

“Understanding the preferences of travelers is essential for the travel industry, and our survey sheds light on the differing priorities based on gender,” said Dan Richards, CEO of The Global Rescue Companies. “While women tend to favor beautiful landscapes and cultural experiences, men are more inclined to seek out adventure. This insight can help travel providers tailor their offerings to meet the diverse needs of their clientele.”


The Role of Cultural Experiences

Cultural experiences play a significant role in finding the best travel destinations among women.

The survey indicates that 15% of female respondents consider language, customs and local dress as vital factors, reflecting a desire for authentic interactions and deeper connections with the places they visit.

Interestingly, only 3% of women cited cuisine, events, natural phenomena, architecture, infrastructure and shopping as essential in their travel decisions. This suggests that women are more inclined to seek emotional and cultural connections instead of merely superficial experiences.

In contrast, male travelers have a different approach to their travel considerations. While 37% prioritize adventure trips, a similar 33% seek destinations known for their landscapes, mirroring female travelers’ preferences. Only 10% of male respondents, however, considered cultural diversity a primary factor in their travel decisions. This indicates that adventure trips and natural beauty dominate male travel aspirations, with less emphasis on cultural elements.

A woman sits on the tailgate of her truck with two dogs in the desert.
Taking a break from a desert adventure to smile for the camera.


Dream Destinations: A Gendered Perspective

The survey also reveals distinct dream destinations for men and women.

Women listed locations such as Antarctica, New Zealand, Iceland (famous for its northern lights), the Galapagos Islands, Egypt and Australia as primary destinations for future trips.

Conversely, men favored destinations like Australia (specifically for the Great Barrier Reef), New Zealand, Antarctica, Patagonia, Mongolia and various African locations.

“The survey results highlight the importance of landscapes and adventure trips in travel choices, but it also underscores the evolving dynamics of traveler preferences,” Richards said. “As more women engage in adventure sports and explore remote destinations, we may see a shift in these preferences in the future.”


The Ideal Traveler Companion: Key Traits Revealed

Choosing the right traveler companion can significantly enhance the travel experience. The Global Rescue survey also explored what travelers consider essential traits in their travel partners. Notably, compatibility emerged as the most critical factor in selecting a traveler companion, with more than 51% of respondents emphasizing the importance of a like-minded traveling partner over other characteristics like flexibility, money management or open-mindedness.

“More than half of survey respondents said a like-minded traveling companion is more important than other characteristics,” Richards stated. A compatible travel style, aligning preferences regarding itinerary planning, pace and activities, is crucial for a harmonious journey.

“Some travelers thrive on spontaneous adventures, while others prefer structured plans. Open discussions about travel preferences are crucial for ensuring a harmonious journey,” he added.

Flexibility was identified as the second most important characteristic, with 16% of respondents highlighting the ability to adapt to unforeseen changes, such as weather conditions or transportation delays. Other notable traits included a sense of humor (9%), good communication (8%) and open-mindedness (8%).

Conversely, the survey revealed alarming traits travelers should avoid in a traveler companion. A significant 32% of respondents identified a negative attitude, characterized by frequent complaints and pessimism, as the most undesirable quality. Recklessness (20%) and unreliability (19%) followed closely behind as the next most concerning traits in a travel buddy.


Evolving Travel Preferences and Future Trends

The survey findings provide a snapshot of contemporary traveler preferences, revealing important trends that may shape the future of travel. As more women engage in adventure trips and seek out thrilling experiences, the distinctions between male and female travel preferences may continue to blur. This evolution could encourage travel providers to diversify their offerings, creating more inclusive experiences that cater to a broader audience.

“By prioritizing compatible travel styles, flexibility, open-mindedness, good communication and a sense of humor, travelers can foster enjoyable adventures,” Richards said. The journey of discovering new destinations should be as enriching and fulfilling as the destinations themselves, allowing travelers to create lasting memories and connections.